Jumputi heroes 【ジャンプチ ヒーローズ】tribute video for Lil リル

After the annoncement of the shutdown of the game on 27 march 2024, i decided to keep some memories of this game

Obviously, I have to make a tribute to the mascot and main character of the game Lil ( リル )

00:00 First part
03:00 Second part

Bokutachi no kokoro ni
we will never forget you

Also this is a link to the video tuto/advice of Lil on the Officiel youtube channel of Jumputi, it short and cute video

The music use are from the game:
you can hear them at @ochd_archive
-SBG 092002 sound archive ( theme of the” Spark of a lost civilisation “mode)

-SBG 02007 sound archive( don’t know where it from in the game but it also the music use on the advice video )

-And the Lobby theme 2
https://youtu.be/tHFwcS7Z6y8?feature=shared @aleex6446

-the last is the song ” See you again, hero ” from Kinnikuman



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