jumputi heroes 【ジャンプチヒーローズ】 Dragon Quest : The adventure of Dai (ドラゴンクエスト ダイの大冒険 ) all characters

After the annoncement of the near end of the game on 27 march, i decided to keep some memories of this game, here the characters and their emotions,panels,attack move and victory pose,not only the super

i don’t have all character of the game yet, some legendary and mostly the musou and densetsu
if you have them all, please feel free to upload a video of them to keep a memorie of them to

character list:
00:00 Dai
00:38 Dai ( Ryuumajin )
01:08 Maam
01:37 Pop
02:01 Hyunckel
02:32 Hadlar
02:57 Avan
03:31 Kill-Vearn
04:03 Great Demon Lord Vearn

Name translation are from original content hd, jumputi character list https://ochd.co.uk/db/puti/en/

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